
Krishna Shrinivas
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Ethan Halingstad
G2 PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Mary Skillicorn
G2 PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Neha Tyagi
Postdoctoral fellow | Website

Kaden DiMarco
G1 PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Jackson Boodry
G1 PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Friends of the lab
We work closely, have fun, and learn a lot from our collaborators!
Michael Brenner, Harvard University
Ryan Krueger, Harvard University
Aidan Zentner, Harvard University
Amy Gladfelter, Duke University
Wilton Snead, Duke University
Erik Winfree, California Institute of Technology
Arvind Murugan, University of Chicago
Salman Banani, University of Chicago
Jon Henninger, Carnegie Mellon University
Ben Sabari, UTSW
Denes Hnisz, MPI-MG, Berlin

Join us!
The Shrinivas lab aims to build a diverse, inclusive, and highly interdisciplinary team broadly focused on developing quantitative frameworks to model and engineer living systems. We welcome team-mates from wide-ranging backgrounds - including biologists, engineers, mathematicians, chemists, physicists, computer scientists, and medical scientists. Projects in the lab are primarily driven by a combination of theory, computation, and data-driven modeling. If you want to pursue an experimental aspect to your research, Krishna will be happy to brainstorm potential avenues - including through co-advising and collaboration.
Graduate students: Students already at Northwestern should email Krishna to discuss potential projects and rotations (depending on the PhD program). Other interested candidates should directly apply to graduate programs at Northwestern.
Postdocs: We welcome postdocs from all backgrounds. Please send Krishna an email along with a statement of research interests, short summary of past work, CV, and contact information for 3 potential references.
Undergraduate/Master students: Reach out via email if you are interested in exploring projects in the lab. Krishna encourages longer-term projects (a thesis project, for example), which typically provide more impactful research experiences. Please do check out the funding opportunities available to Northwestern students and more generally.